Our inspiration
The United Nations (UN) has set out 17 principles for sustainable development to be implemented by 2030. This is a vision change in which sustainability shifts from a purely environmental concept to an integrated vision of the different dimensions of development.
As a company and therefore as a reality with a dimension and social relevance, we are inspired every day by these principles, making them our beacon in the night, our guideline when we have to take every single decision.

The 17 principles are:
- No poverty
- Zero hunger
- Good health and well-being for people
- Quality education
- Gender equality
- Clean water and sanitation
- Affordable and clean energy
- Decent work and economic growth
- Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
- Reducing inequalities
- Sustainable cities and communities
- Responsible consumption and production
- Climate action
- Life below water
- Life on land
- Peace, justice and strong institutions
- Partnerships for the goals