“The world of Italian distillation represents not only tradition, but also the intelligent evolution of a process that does not stop at a single product and that knows how to use each step to create value and make the most of the resources that are gradually generated, without wasting anything. […]
Making the reality of the Italian distillery industry known in all its facets and underlining the circularity and sustainability of its production were the main reasons that led AssoDistil to draw up the first Sustainability Report of the sector, which I am pleased to present here. […]
The sector is committed, in the long term, to supporting sustainable food production systems and promoting agricultural practices that help protect ecosystems; to favour packaging with a low environmental impact; to renew itself, investing in research and development with a view to using raw materials more efficiently and reusing the energy and water linked to the production process in the best possible way. […]
Quality represents a fundamental value that every distillery put at the center of its present and future activities. […] It is thanks to the commitment of AssoDistil that today we are able to publish this first Sustainability Report, which is only the starting point of a journey towards a broader concept of sustainability, environmental, economic and social, from agricultural production to the finished and packaged product: a holistic approach consistent with the sustainable development of our country”.
From the “Letter to Stakeholders” by Antonio Emaldi, President of AssoDistil