Be a Masterchef with our Prosecco recipes!
Bottega S.P.A.
Sede Principale
Villa Rosina – Vicolo Aldo Bottega, 2
31010 Bibano di Godega di Sant’Urbano (TV)
+39 0438.401006
International Fax
+39 0438.402582
Info utili:
Export TV 002501 – R.E.A. TV n. 126054
C.F./P.IVA e Reg. Impr. IT00541680260
Cap. Soc. € 5.000.000,00 i.v.
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Complete the form and enter the contest! You could win the exclusive book by Sandro Bottega “The 100 Prosecco Recipes”!
Thi book is a gastronomic journey through the hills of Prosecco, Unesco heritage, where tradition, research and authenticity are mixed in the sign of taste. It is a collection of recipes and traditions that this land generously offers us.