Visionari d'impresa 2024 award to Bottega Spa


5 December 2024

Bottega Spa won the Visionari d’impresa 2024 award, a prestigious recognition for excellence and strategic vision demonstrated in the entrepreneurial environment.

This recognition is conferred by the academic institute Scienze Imprenditoriali, in collaboration with the Istituto di Ricerca Economico-Scientifica I-AER and the media partnership of Il Sole 24 Ore.

Scienze imprenditoriali is in fact a master’s degree course for entrepreneurs and provides vertical training for entrepreneurs, with the development of hard and soft skills. No such training course existed and in a country with a strong entrepreneurial vocation, it was a gap that needed to be filled.

Companies achieving extraordinary results in terms of competitiveness, productivity and entrepreneurial sustainability, receive this award that attest they distinguished themselves in their field by contributing to the economic development of the country.

The Visionari d’impresa 2024 award, which is in its first edition, is the result of a detailed survey conducted by the I-AER Institute, which analysed the 2022 balance sheets filed by over 700,000 companies. The objective was to scientifically identify, i.e. by means of an algorithm, the most virtuous and resilient Italian companies divided by province, size and sector.